It all started back in Marvine Elementary when I started my very first day of school. I remember being so little but yet so nervous to meet all new friends and the teachers. But I knew I had to start somewhere. Ever since that day the years and days flew past. It feels like just yesterday I was starting school, now in just a few months I will be graduating! Its such a bittersweet feeling. Besides, each school that I have went to has showed me a good time and I have learned many things.I went the Marvine for elementary school, Northeast for middle school, and now I am attending Liberty high school, like I mentioned before I will be graduating from here in a few months. Throughout all these years in school, I have learned the basic reading, writing and math skills, how to respect others and pay attention, and also the most important thing I could have learned in high school so far was, "worry about yourself". Its cool to have friends and hang out once and I while but focusing on yourself is the best thing you can do. Doing this I have good grades, I have a job and I am even starting college early by taking a college class once a week. Nothing is better than feeling proud of yourself. Though out school I was never really too strong in math but I still somehow managed to do the best I could to get through my struggle. They say if you want to succeed, all you have to do is work for it. I have realized that most of the things I did in elementary school were some of the best things. I remember field day, and recess and climbing the jungle gym in gym class. Those activities help you bond with one another and learn social skills. Once I made it to middle school I was afraid of it being too hard for me and also of failing. I actually did pretty good there and I learned lots of new thing. My favorite thing in middle school was taking a language class. I found it so cool that I had the opportunity to learn 3 different languages; Spanish, German, and French. Then once I made it to high school time flew past. It seems like last week I was getting ready to start 9th grade and now here I am a senior. I liked that in high school I had the opportunity to start at Bethlehem Votech, where I was able to find my career and actually have a class on it where you do hands on work. School in general has taught me so much.