Sunday, February 5, 2017

Meet Lauren!

HI, Lauren is studying at NCC and her intended major is a medical assistant, she loves helping others and is hoping to work in a hospital someday. Lauren is 20 years old born and raised here in PA, she drives and has her own car. She has an older brother who is 24 years old and a dog named Rodger.  She loves eating at her two favorite restaurants Red Robin and Red Lobster. Her favorite football team is the Eagles and she used to play softball in high school. Lauren graduated in the year 2014 from Liberty High school. She has done a lot of traveling, so far she has been to Canada, Texas, Maryland, North Carolina, NJ and more. She enjoys watching her favorite TV shows and movies (Love and Hip Hop, have and have nots, blind side etc). In her free time she loves to spend time with her son, she has a one year old baby boy and also travel and go to the beach. With that being said, her favorite season is summer. Lauren has been working at a pizza shop for 4 years now with this job being her first job. She loves to keep things clean and organized because she is a neat freak and also a hands on learner which she enjoys learning new things!


  1. Great job Janeiah, enjoyed your blog

  2. Great job on your blog, i enjoyed learning about lauren

  3. I go to Easton High School as well as attend a class here. I played football a few years ago; I remember playing against them. They were always a challenge. Also, I hate to say it but I am not a huge fan of the Eagles! Great Blog!

  4. a neat freak huh? i can relate to that in many ways. I'm not a fan of dogs but to each his/her own. great job, love the pictures!

  5. Lauren and I have a lot in common. We have children who are boys. She's pursuing a career as a medical assistant, and I finished school as a medical assistant 3 years ago. We're both super crazy with organization and have the same taste in shows.

  6. Multi-tasking mom like myself. I love it!
